Суббота, 27.07.2024, 05:46
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     Постройка моделей парусных кораблей из дерева, Чертежи, История
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Shipyard 001 - HMS ''Bounty''

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Shipyard 002 - HMS ''Granado''

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Shipyard 003 - HMS ''Hunter''

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Shipyard 004 - HMS ''Cleopatra''

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Shipyard 005 - ''Trinidad''

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Shipyard 006 - ''Szebeka''

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Shipyard 007 - Pinka ''Zolty Lew''

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Shipyard 008 - ''Le Courieur''

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Shipyard 009 - HMS ''Endeavour''

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Shipyard 010 - HMS ''Bellona''

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Shipyard 011 - HMS ''Victory''

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Shipyard 012 - ''Jachty''

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Shipyard 013 - Frigate ''La Belle Poule''

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Shipyard 015 - HMS ''Cleopatra''

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Shipyard 016 - ''Revenge''

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Shipyard 017 - ''Berbice''

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Shipyard 018 - HMS ''Granado''

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Shipyard 020 - ''Santa Maria & Nina''

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Shipyard 021 - HMS ''Cleopatra''

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Shipyard 022 - ''La Belle Poule''

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Shipyard 024 - HMS ''Alert'', ''Le coureur''

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Shipyard 026 - HMS ''Victory''

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Shipyard 028 - ''Santa Leocadia''

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Shipyard 030 - ''Lexington''

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Shipyard 032 - HMS ''Enterprize''

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Shipyard 033 - HM Bark Endeavour [A3]

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Shipyard 034 - ''Papegojan''

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