Суббота, 27.04.2024, 13:10
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     Постройка моделей парусных кораблей из дерева, Чертежи, История
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Argentina ARS - Argentinian Republic Ship
Austrian-Hungary Ships HAMS - His Austrian Majesty's Ship
Chile ChRS/F/C - Chilean Republic Ship/Frigate/Corvette
Denmark HDMS - His/Her Danish Majesty's Ship
Duchy of Courland Ships DKS - Duchy of Kourland's Ship
Dutch DNS - Dutch National Ship
Empire of Brazil HIBMS/F/C - His Imperial Brazilian Majesty Ship/Frigate/Corvette
France HMXMS - His Most Christian (Xtian) Majesty's Ship
  После 1790 FNS - French National Ship
HFIMS - His French Imperial Majesty's Ship
Grand Duchy of Tuscany Ships HHGDTS - His Highness Grand Duke of Tuscany's Ship
Great Britain HBMS, HBMF, HBMUS, HMBOV or HBV - His/Her Britannic Majesty's Ship/Frigate/Unrated/Ship, Other Vessel or Hired British Vessel
Greatn Colombia GCRS - Great Colombian Republic Ship
Kingdom of Sardinia Ships HMKSS - His Majesty King of Sardinia Ship
Knights of Malta SOSJS - Sovereign Order of Saint John Ships
Mexico MRS - Mexican Republic Ship
Oriental Republic of Uruguay ORUS - Oriental Republic of Uruguay
Papal (Pontifical) Ships HHFS - His Holy Father's Ship
Peru PRS - Peruvian Republic Ship
Portugal HMFMS/F/C - His/Her Most Faithful Majesty's Ship/Frigate/Corvette
Republic of Genoa ships MSRGS - the Most Serene Republic of Genoa Ship
Russia HIRMS - His/Her Imperial Russian Majesty's Ship
Spain HCMS/F/C - His Catholic Majesty's Ship/Frigate/Corvette
Sweden HSMS - His/Her Swedish Majesty's Ship
Turkey HTSS - His Turkish Sultan's Ship
Unated States USS - Unated State's Ship
USF - Unated States Frigates
USC - Other Unated States Vessels
USP - Privateers, letters of Marque of other hired vessels
Usxx - State Navy Vessels (Where xx is the States 2-character code)
Venice MSRS - the Most Serene Republican Ship

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